Service Time

Services are held in the Worship Center Auditorium of Freedom Church every Saturday at 10:30am CST.


What does Beth Sar Shalom mean?

Beth Sar Shalom is translated The House (Beth) of the Prince (Sar) of Peace (Shalom). The Prince of Peace is Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah.

What kinds of messages do you teach?

Steven’s content-rich messages are focused on leading us to discover the Jewish context of the Bible and are centered on Yeshua (Jesus), Messiah of Israel and Lord of all. If you are hungry for deep teaching of healthy portions of God’s word, Beth Sar Shalom is the place for you.

How long is the service?

Our service lasts around 110 minutes from start to finish.

What’s the worship like?

Our worship is largely traditional messianic music with melody centric, Jewish sounds, texture and flavor strong emphasis on Biblical context, vertical worship. Come experience our worship with us.

What should I wear?

Think modesty when choosing what to wear to the service. We suggest business casual as a reference point. A few men may choose to wear a yarmulke or kippah (head cover) and tallit (prayer shawl), but the majority do not.

What’s available for my kids?

Our congregation is family-friendly and welcomes children of all ages, encouraging them to participate in various parts of the service. Because of the wide range of our students, we tailor our program’s teachings to the age of the children in the class.

  • Nursery is available for babies through age three.
  • A Lower Elementary Class is available from K through 1st Grade (Ages 4-6)
  • An Upper Elementary Class is available from 2nd through 6th grade.
What Bible do I need?

Any version you prefer! Bring your phone, tablet, physical copy or simply read off the main screen. (The version Steven usually prefers to preach from is the NASB).

Do I have to be Jewish to come?

Of course not. We welcome and encourage people of all backgrounds to worship with us. The New Testament teaches that the body of the Messiah is one new man, comprised of both Jews and Gentiles serving together in messianic unity (Eph. 2:15-16).

What to expect during the service

Service Starting Time

Our service starts at 10:30am CST with the blowing of the shofar (ram’s horn) as a call to worship. Don Jones, worship leader with the Beth Sar Shalom worship ensemble band leads the congregation in a vibrant mix of contemporary and traditional Messianic music. If able, most people stand during this portion, some raise their hands as they praise God.

Torah Portion

Worship is followed by a recitation of the Sh’ma (Deut. 6:4) in Hebrew and English and the reading of a brief portion of Torah (the five books of Moses) in English with an explanation. The portion of Torah is bracketed by Hebrew and English blessings and followed by the recitation of the V’ahavta (Deut. 6:5ff).

Worship and Offering

Worship continues through the offering of the fruit of our praise and of our labors..


Careful exposition of God’s word serves as the centerpiece of our worship service.


Announcements are shared just prior to closing the service.


The service is punctuated by the traditional Aaronic Benediction, in Hebrew and English, as the Steven Ger, Senior Teaching Pastor blesses the congregation.

Shalom DFW Jewish Messianic shapes

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