Child Education Team

If you love children and have a heart to develop the next generation then this opportunity is for you. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Facilities Team

If you are one who likes to be in the background and serve incognito, this team is for you. The Special Events Team is responsible for the set-up and tear-down in preparation for our special events. This team is also responsible to help rearrange classrooms, put out the Beth Sar Shalom signs, and general facilities maintenance (such as mopping up spills or water). If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Goodwill Team

The Goodwill Team is responsible for caring for those in our community who are sick, ailing, and lonely. By providing a hot meal to them at their home, during what is often one of the hardest times in life, the Goodwill Team serves our community by making sure those affected by illness, surgery, or death of a family member have their basic need of being fed met. The Goodwill Team also encourages those in our community by dropping a card or handwritten note of encouragement in the mail. Team members also encourage those in our community by visiting the sick, isolated, and lonely at their home or in the hospital, whichever the case may be. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Greeting Team

The Greeting Team is responsible to welcome all visitors and attendees. Even though we are an extremely friendly congregation, we want to make sure every person has a personal greeting both inside and outside the sanctuary, as well as providing guidance and directions to newcomers. Your warm smiles will make visitors (and members!) feel glad they came. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team is responsible for "feeding the masses" as they come into our community by making sure the coffee is always hot and the bagels are always fresh as we come together on Shabbat to worship. The Hospitality Team is also responsible for the coordination of the Oneg Shabbats. Currently we need volunteers that are willing to step in and cover these areas only when the main person is out sick or out of town. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

In-Service Team

The In-Service Team helps with monthly communion preparation and receiving the weekly offering. This team has the responsibility to set-up, distribute, and clean-up the communion elements every third Saturday of the month. Members of this team also help collect the morning offering. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Liturgy Team

If you appreciate the public reading of scripture then this team is for you. Members of this team are responsible for the reading of the Torah portion of the day. This reading is done in English. Additionally, members of this team would also participate in the reading of the V'ahavta which is part of the liturgical portion of the service. This portion is read in Hebrew and English. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Prayer Team (After Service)

If you have a need for personal prayer in any area of your life, members of our prayer team are available to pray for you immediately after the10:30 AM service in room 210 of the Education Building. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John15:7). If you feel called to the prayer ministry, and would like to join our team, please contact Silvia De La Rosa here.

Safety Team

The Safety Team has the responsibility to monitor the entrances to the sanctuary during our Shabbat services. All Safety Team members must have an LTC (License to Carry) as the person on duty each day should be armed. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Special Events Team

If you are one who likes to be in the background and serve incognito, this team is for you. The Special Events Team is responsible for helping with the coordination and preparation for our special events. These events include our annual Christ in the Passover Seder we do in conjunction with Sojourner Ministries, our annual Hanukkah Banquet, our annual Sukkot celebration, and our quarterly installments of The Jewish Cultural Film Series. All of these events are such a blessing and add so much depth of understanding to ones journey of faith. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Tech Team (Missions Outreach)

If you like working with technology and computers and you want to reach the world with the message of hope in Yeshua, then the Tech Team is for you. Our congregation currently reaches over 38,000 viewers on social media platforms through recorded videos, remixed downloadable worship songs and live stream services. Members of this outreach team will help in the sound booth, internet sound mix, running the online and in house slides during the service. Other areas include lighting, video editing, audio recording and uploading the sermon videos. The team also records, remixes and produces live worship songs for free distribution to world wide worshipers over this website. This team is also responsible for the set-up, recording, and uploading of the Adult Shabbat lessons as well as the preservice stage setup, post service take down and storing of worship team equipment. If you are interested in serving in this area, contact us here.

Worship Team

The Worship Team is an integral part of our services. If you are a singer, past worship leader or you are proficient playing a musical instrument and would like to be part of Worship Team, we would love for you to join us. We include worship leaders of all ages. For auditions, please contact Don Jones.

Outreach Team

With covid impacting churches worldwide, we’re all living through a modern version of the return from exile. Our brothers and sisters are facing unforeseen challenges reintegrating as a whole community. Never before in modern times have we had such a need for outreach and inreach! Find out what Beth Sar Shalom is doing at our new care site and get plugged in! Your talents and gifts are deeply needed. Learn more here.

Shalom DFW Jewish Messianic shapes

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